I hope you'll find it useful... Preposition placement in relative clauses … [Read more...]
Is It a Dog?
Exercise for beginners. Verb to be (IS). It Is a Dog … [Read more...]
How Many Rubbers ARE THERE?
Worksheet on "There is / There are" with school material. Ideal for beginners... HOW MANY RUBBERS ARE THERE … [Read more...]
Whose Cat is This?
Possessive pronouns for beginners... POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS … [Read more...]
This is SO easy!
Using SO and SUCH is not always easy. I hope this explanation will help you... So + Adjective / So + Adverb USE "So" can be combined with adjectives and adverbs to show extremes. This form is often used in exclamations. Examples: The house is so beautiful! I wish we could buy it. The play was so good! It was worth the money. He … [Read more...]
Simple Past – Irregular Verbs
Some exercises on Simple Past with irregular verbs.... SIMPLE PAST - IRREGULAR VERBS … [Read more...]
Present Simple – Present Continuous – More Exercises
Exercises on Present simple and continuous. PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS - EXERCISES 2 … [Read more...]
Present Simple and Present Continuous – exercise
An exercise on Present simple vs Present continuous for beginners. PRESENT SIMPLE vs CONTINUOUS … [Read more...]
Have You Got Any Questions?
Some exercises on WH-questions for beginners. I hope you'll find it useful! QUESTION WORDS … [Read more...]
My Family
I created this activity to teach young learners the vocabulary related to FAMILY. Pupils do not only have to look for the correct "family member" to complete the text, but they also have to use the present simple of the verbs given in brackets. I'm sure they will enjoy it! Family tree Family Tree Exercise … [Read more...]