Translating from our language into another one is very risky. We tend to think that the rules we use in our mother tongue are good in any other language, and that's why, when we want to say in English " Tengo una noticia importante que contarte", we tend to say things such as "I have an important news to tell you", which is incorrect. News is … [Read more...]
Comparatives and Superlatives
Comparatives and superlatives are not difficult in English. In fact, just by following the rules I explain in the attached document, you will perfectly understand how to use them correctly. COMPARATIVES and SUPERLATIVES I COMPARATIVES and SUPERLATIVES II … [Read more...]
How to use SUGGEST correctly
Using suggest correctly is not easy because it is not used as other verbs. It means " offering an idea or proposing an idea for consideration"We have to remember that it is never followed by an indirect object pronoun, a personal object (me, us, you, ...), and it is never followed by an infinitive. So, we cannot say something like: I suggested … [Read more...]
Difficult, isn't it? I hope the attached document may shed light on this issue. I have included the most common cases we have to know as regards inversion. I hope you'll find it helpful. INVERSION … [Read more...]
Deceptive or deceitful?
Using one or the other depends on what we mean. Both of them come from the verb deceive, which means make someone believe something that is not true. We can lie to someone, and that's a way of deceiving them, or we may not say something when they think something else is true, and in fact it isn't. From "deceive" we get two adjectives: deceptive … [Read more...]
What’s the difference between ADVISE and ADVICE?
We may think these words are exactly the same, but they are not. In fact, the first one is the verb, ADVISE (aconsejar), whereas the second one, written with "C" is the noun (consejo). Moreover, we have to be careful when using the word ADVICE because unlike the Spanish word, in English ADVICE is UNCOUNTABLE, so we cannot "give smo AN ADVICE". We … [Read more...]
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