This expression is translated into Spanish as “Ya es hora de que…” In English, we can use it in two different ways:
- Followed by infinitive
- It’s time we buy a new computer.
(Ya es hora de comprar un ordenador)
If we want to say who should do something, we use for + object + infinitive
- It’s time for the children to go to bed.
(Ya es hora de que los niños vayan a la cama)
- Followed by past tense with present meaning
It’s time can also be followed by a subject with a past tense verb. The meaning is present.
- It’s time we solved the situation, it’s unbearable.
(Ya es hora de que resolvamos la situación, es insoportable)
- I’m tired, it’s time I went home
(Es hora de que me vaya a casa)
Apart from “It’s time…”, we can also use “It’s high time…”. We normally use it in British English to say that something is urgent.
- It’s high time you got a job.
(Ya es hora de que consigas un trabajo)
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