Sophisticated vocabulary to speak about cities and neighbourhoods. I hope you’ll find it useful.
- Sustainable, walkable, mixed-use neighbourhoods – This is a type of urban development that blends multiple uses, such as residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment, into one space, where those functions are to some degree physically and functionally integrated, and that provides pedestrian connections.
- Visionary new towns – This tern may refer to ‘the Cities of Tomorrow’, set within the context of a bright and positive future for cities.
- Conventional, car-dependent suburbs.
- The current extention of New Urbanist Communities in terms of population absorption.
- Neighbourhoods that are diverse in terms of use and have mixed populatios in terms of age, race and income.
- Give communities transportation alternatives.
- Urban sprawl – Endless expansion of cities.
- ‘Infill development’ – The use of land within a built-up area as part of a community redevelopment project. The slightly broader term ‘ land recycling’ is sometimes used instead.
- Accessible public spaces, community institutions and a variety of parks and other green spaces.
- A wide range of personal consumer services, and workplace sites all conveniently accessible on foot.
- Jobs available in the new towns filled by commuters from outside.
- The loss of commercial investment has created run-down central neighbourhoods.
- Live in a single-family dwelling with a garden.
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