Usually, Bambi, Disney’s deer, is regarded as the symbol of innocence.
I took this picture two years ago. What struck me was the name of the shop and its location, very close to the Wall, in Berlin (a town forced to forget about its innocence on so many occasions throughout its history). Now I see it and think: it’s incredible the way actions, wars, events and words can “kill” a child’s, an adolescent’s or a human being’s innocence.
When we are born, all of us are innocent. It is the life and situations we experience the ones which strike fear in our heart, which make us be cold-blooded or make us feel responsible for so many things, the ones which make us feel insecure or may even desperate us.
Adolescence is a time full of changes, we are constantly changing. We pass from not having a clue of what we will find behind that “door” called life to distinguishing a piece of reality we live in. And somehow, that’s the way it has to be. We must experience new sensations because, who wants to be hidden from the unknown?
We learn from experience, although this involves losing our innocence.
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